lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013


Join our group in your region.
The aim of this Group and its subsidiary factions in all the regions of Spain and the islands is; to provide independent advice information and support for all interested expatriates and Spaniards alike. Such a support group is imperative especially for hundreds of thousands of non Spanish residents who often struggle to understand the existing and ever changing laws and rules.
We are an apolitical concern but with our growing membership intend to become a strong enough force to be able to lobby for our rights.  We are aware that we also need a functional and serious consumer protection agency.
We will provide a free service and hope to set up an ONG/NPO organisation.  With this in mind, we already own our domain ending:
We are quite convinced that, no matter what are input in, big or small, we will all be taking something out.  Thank you for caring.
Disclaimer for our central and all groups associated with Citizens Advice Bureau Spain.
Citizens Advice Bureau Spain will do our best to ensure that all advisory and informative content provided is accurate. We take into consideration that many of our community, also have the right and desire to contribute.  This in itself is commendable and appreciated. We must make it clear that Citizens Advice Bureau Spain endeavor to only provide professional and accurate advice and information, will not accept any liability for any loss or damage as a consequence of members or others use of the content including advice or information provided on our pages.
We take no responsibility for any links to other websites or content.
The links to our temporary website and email are below. For a rapid response. Contact us at: